Vijit Singh Studio
Vijit Singh Studio is a platform that provides complete entertainment package covering all aspects from Storytelling, Poetry, Folk songs, talk shows and other audio sessions. Storytelling is unique charm of our podcast platform in which we bring you the beautiful audio stories narrated by Vijit Singh who is popularly known as Musafir Kissonwala.
Podcasting since 2021 • 80 episodes
Vijit Singh Studio
Latest Episodes
IAS Mukesh Kumar Meshram interview with Vijit Singh
Principal Secretary Culture & Tourism Department, Uttar Pradesh, IAS Mukesh Kumar Meshram interview with Vijit Singh In this deeply insightful and inspiring podcast, IAS Mukesh Kumar Meshram takes us through his extraordi...

Kuch Kahna Nahi Chahta I Poetry I Sarveshwar Dayal Saxena I Vijit Singh
Kuch Kahna Nahi Chahta I कुछ कहना नहीं चाहता Written by Sarveshwar Dayal Saxena I कवि : सर्वेश्वर दयाल सक्सेनाPoetry recite by Vijit Singh I काव्य पाठ : विजित सिंहAbout Poetry Nest :In this segment of our channel Vijit...

Ant Ke Baad I Poetry I Ashok Vajpeyi I Vijit Singh
Ant Ke Baad I अंत के बाद Written by Ashok Vajpeyi I कवि : अशोक वाजपेयीPoetry recite by Vijit Singh I काव्य पाठ : विजित सिंहAbout Poetry Nest :In this segment of our channel Vijit Singh Studio we bring to you Hindi poet...